Sabado, Nobyembre 30, 2013

Los Nueve Circulos de Cavite National Science High School

Not only Inferno has 9 circles, but Cavite National Science High School has them also. You can take a look in each circle of our school and realize it’s true. ;)
From the outside of the school, a gate will convene. This is the 1st Circle of Cavite National Science High School. This circle is guarded by the CAT officers. This place is for the latecomer students and students wearing incomplete uniform. Their punishment is that their names will be listed by the CAT officers.
The 2nd circle is the Guidance Office guarded by the Guidance Councilor. This circle is for students who have violated the school rules and regulations. Their punishment is that their parents will be called to be talked to by the Guidance Councilor.
The 3rd circle is the LRC guarded by the librarian. This circle is for students who are members of the LRC club. Their punishment is to clean the LRC on their designated cleaning schedule.
The 4th circle is the ICT lab guarded by the computer teacher. This circle is for students who are members of the FLL Robotics Teams. Their punishment is that they will work in an air-conditioned room on their project and robot for their FLL competition.
The 5th circle is the Canteen 1 guarded by canteeners and a nurse. This circle is for students and teachers who want to eat foods. Their punishment is that they will pay for what they eat.
The 6th circle is the CAT Room guarded by the CAT adviser. This circle is for the students of the CAT adviser. Their punishment is that they should endure the heat inside the room and also their basketballs and volleyballs will be confiscated.
The 7th circle is the SALIW Room guarded by an actor. This circle is for students who attend the workshop. Their punishment is that they will do whatever the actor says.
The 8th circle is the Canteen 2 guarded by canteeners and a teacher. This circle is for students and teachers who want to eat more foods. Their punishment is that they will pay higher prices than the right prices of foods that they eat.
           The last but not the least, the 9th circle is the III – Nitrogen room. This circle is for the students who ranked top 31 of their batch on their sophomore year. Their punishment is that they should stay cool. Also, those students are expected to be better than the students of the other sections of their batch.

Miyerkules, Nobyembre 20, 2013

No Worries

Well, in our generation, texting or text messaging is already one of our habits. It is one of our ways to communicate to others especially in distant places. Compared to letter sending, phone calls, e-mails, facebook chats; texting is more common. Well, maybe because it’s faster than letter sending, cheaper than phone calls, and with less effort than e-mails and facebook chats. For short, it’s more effective compared to other communicating technologies.

Because it is most common used by people, they find ways to make it easier and faster. It is like making some words in short-cut words but still able to understand it like “txt” which means “text”, 2 which means “to” or “too”, and “u” which means “you”. But it’s not only words which they make short-cut, but also the whole sentence. They make the sentence in short-cut but still able to understand the thought of it. Also, last is they use abbreviations like “btw” which means “by the way” and “brb” which means “be right back”.

The question is “do these ways ruin our knowledge in the English language?” I’ll just say my answer and just keep yours. For me, it doesn’t affect my knowledge in the English language. Well, because even though I don’t follow the correct rules of spelling and grammar in or while texting, I still know how to construct my texts correctly. So, a little advice to some texters: don’t forget the correct ways in the English language so you will have no worries that texting will ruin your knowledge in it. ^_^

Biyernes, Nobyembre 8, 2013


October 25, 2013 to November 3, 2013, a ten-day semester break was given to the students of Cavite National Science High School. Well, of course, I am included there. So, where did I put my time on that sembreak? What did I do on those days? Was my sembreak worthy?

Was my sembreak worthy? Well, yes. Why? First, sleep; I don’t have any enough sleep during school days. I only sleep 10:00 pm to 4:00 am during school days. It is only six hours every school day but a healthy sleep is eight to ten hours. So, I used the sembreak to have the enough and good sleep I need. So I can rest. So I can relax. 

Second, food; it gave me more opportunity to eat. I ate between meals, more foods in my breakfast, longer dinner and everything. I ate also while watching movies, reading books or doing my home works. 

And third, more time; it gave me more time to study, to cope up to school, to do school works, and everything. It also gave me time to sleep and eat. That was the most important thing I had last sembreak, I had time.

So, my sembreak was worthy. How about yours? Was your sembreak worthy? Why? ^_^

Huwebes, Oktubre 31, 2013

Last Chance...

You might ask yourself, “am I in love?” Well, I can’t answer that question for you; even your closest friends, parents or teachers can’t, but only you can. Just like I said, I can’t answer that question for you so I’ll just share my experience in love and how I realized I’m in love.

It started on our Brigada Eskwela when I was 1st year. I immediately noticed her eyes, those beautiful eyes staring at me. They were like staring at me all the time wherever I go, but of course that’s just my exaggeration but I really can’t remove the picture of those beautiful eyes staring at me. From then on, I have a crush on her. Let’s just call her The Girl.

The good news was she was my classmate that time but the bad news was my infatuation for her lessened when I met a beautiful, talented girl from the other section. Let’s just call her JWEMY. We were MU (in mutual understanding, a lower level than boyfriend/girlfriend) and I had forgotten The Girl. JWEMY and I became closer and closer, had many exchanges of texts, chats and ‘I love you’s. I love you? Yes, I said many ILY’s to her, but did I really mean it? Was I sure that love was what I felt for her? Maybe it was just an exaggerated and immature infatuation because, look, I was just 12 that time. But honestly I cried and got hurt when the time came that she replaced me and didn’t like me anymore. That was the first time I got hurt. But the question was do I really love her?

I decided to move on. While moving on, I started to notice The Girl again, her looks, her beauty, her beautiful eyes; she became more beautiful than before or maybe because I stopped looking at her like that for a long time but still, she’s always beautiful for me. I started to try to win her heart just in texting, facebook chatting and sometimes telling jokes when we’re talking in person.

February 4, 2012, she became my girlfriend. That was a Saturday. I was happy that she’s now my girlfriend that time. But, February 7, 2012, I did something stupid. A friend of JWEMY talked to me and asked me if I still like JWEMY. I didn’t answer. She just told me that JWEMY still likes me that time and if I broke up with The Girl, JWEMY and I will be together. You know what I did? I broke up with The Girl, stupid right? Why did I do that and still chose the girl who mostly talk to me in facebook chats and texts rather than in person? Maybe I was blinded by my exaggerated infatuation for her. I hurt The Girl. :/

Weeks passed and I noticed myself feeling numb for JWEMY. We were still exchanging ILY’s but I was already not feeling the same feeling I have for her before. I decided to stop it and I came back to The Girl. She was so kind that she gave me the second chance. I promised that I will do my best to make it up to her. I didn’t fail. ^_^ Maybe, she’s the one! March 9, 2012, she became my girlfriend again. I was so happy that time again and I promised that she will never regret this.

Everything was perfect until summer vacation. I think that was May that she started to become cold with me. Our texts lessened. I didn’t notice that she was becoming farther and farther from me, then I lost her. At first I can handle it because I was busy that summer doing random things, but still when I think of her, my heart aches and it became more painful seeing her GM’s (group messages) showing her that she’s finer, happier or more okay without me. I lost my enthusiasm in going to school. In our Brigada Eskwela in my 2nd year, I didn’t almost attend in it because of her. I even thought of transferring because I thought I can’t continue seeing her happy without me with the fact that she left me. Was I truly in love with her? The answer is too obvious guys.

Sophomore year started, I tried my best in studying, ignoring her and stopping myself staring at her whenever I see her. But, I couldn’t help it, I love her. She had a new crush that time. Well, he’s good in dancing and has the looks and I want to say that I am thankful that I knew that she had a crush on that guy. Well, the reason is that it was because of him that I tried to be a good dancer. I wanted to be a better dancer than him that’s why I practiced, so I thank him. By the way, I thank her best friend that time because she was the only one that helped me have updates about her including knowing her crush. I would say that I was obsessed of her. There was a time that I gave my whole ipon for her in the voting for Mr and Ms ICT. I also took a video of her talent portion in the said contest.

I got used to it; seeing her, staring at her though she’s staring to her crush. I thought the pain was gone. Then I met this girl. Let’s call her The Angel. She was my classmate that year. She’s beautiful, kind, the shy-type, and quiet. She’s also in the top 10 of our batch. I became close to her, well, because I’m really close to girls not the way that I’m a chick boy. I was always happy whenever I talk to her. She was fun to talk to. Then, we became closer to each other. We always text and facebook chat. Until, we fell in love with each other. But, I think that was a wrong move. I thought that I forgot The Girl, that I didn’t love her anymore. But then, I was wrong.

I became a contestant of the Dansport in our Intramurals and at the same time was chosen to be one of the Sayawit members. Unfortunately, The Girl was in those contests also, so every practice of either contest, we see each other. There, we became close again. Then, the time came that I said that I still feel the same way for her before; she answered back and said that she also feel the same way. It was a happy moment for me, but in the other hand, I left The Angel. I hurt her. I broke her heart. Maybe I truly love her but not the way I love The Girl. I was happy with her but maybe she was just a loving friend for me.

September 2, 2012, The Girl became my girlfriend again. We were happy that time loving and having each other but I told her that the fact that she left me last time, I just gave her another chance. Well, she didn’t fail until the summer vacation again. It was like a déjà vu. We broke up and later on I knew that she had been texting and chatting another guy. I gave up. I let go of her. I didn’t make any mess between them. I made a distance for them. I knew that she’s happier and that the guy was a better man. I let her go because I love her.

I moved on. But one night, I was lonely and started crying. I was holding my cell phone that time and I want to call someone, I want to talk to someone. The first person who came out of my mind is The Angel. I called her and didn’t disappoint me. She comforted me like a sister, like a friend, like a best friend. After that, I call her most of the time. We became best friends and we call each other Bhest. She was always there for me whenever I was lonely. I thought I love her.

We became sweet best friends. I became sweet to her. But, I said I love her. I didn’t know that she loved me like my love for The Girl. But, déjà vu, The Girl came back to me and I left The Angel again, hurt her again, and broke her heart again; I just love The Girl more than her. I don’t know why, but I do. Maybe she’s just really a good, kind and loving best friend for me.

Now, I’m sure that I really love The Girl. She left me but still gave her another chance. But, the fact that I really love her, I’m always ready to let her go, to give her happiness though it doesn’t include me. Loving is not just letting her go and moving on, but moving on and still cares for her, to always watch her to be there for her if no one else is. Why? It’s simple, I love her. But, there’s one thing to remember. Though I will always be here for her, it’s her last chance now to be with me. I don’t want to be hurt again.

So, you might ask me. Have I been in love? What’s the feeling to be in love? What’s my definition of love? Well, I think I have already answered it and I hope you weren’t bored in reading my experience. ^_^

Linggo, Oktubre 6, 2013

My Second Moms and Dads ^_^

Have you ever thought that our teachers are our second parents? Why? Is it because they scold you or terrorized you? I’m just kidding. Well, some say that school is our second home, so it means that our teachers are our second parents. That’s kind of hard don’t you think? I’m just kidding. But if you think of it, our teachers are really like our parents. They teach us and sometimes scold us. They are also patient with us whenever we students are noisy, OA, malikot, maharot, makulit etc. they are really like parents to us.

I just want to say two things I can’t say personally to some teachers who have been like parents for me. First, I want to say that I’m sorry for being sometimes pasaway, makulit, tamad, and sometimes debating about a topic about the lesson that sometimes may offend you because of how I speak. I’m sorry but I will try to change, to lessen my kakulitan, katamaran, and to also try to defend a topic gently without offending you.

Second, I want to say thank you for your efforts. Thank you for being patient with us whenever we’re noisy or tamad. Thank you for being strong to teach us and still making efforts for us to understand our lessons. Thank you for still attending our classes even though your students make you tiring.

That’s all to my teachers who have been like parents for me. I hope some of you lessen their kasungitan, just kidding. For being parents for me and just like I said from my first post in this blog that my parents are my heroes; you are also my heroes. Take care and God bless teachers~! ^_^

The Truth Behind History

A long time ago in one of the lost island of Bermuda, there lived a powerful magician named, Prospero who saw horrible scenes that will happen in the future. He decided to change whatever may happen. He planned a cruise for the noble citizens of Italy and Scotland. All of the invited guests entered the cruise ship. But Macbeth was the last one to enter. The three witches appeared at the entrance of the ship. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair." They told him that he would be the next king of the two kingdoms, Italy and Scotland if he killed Hamlet. Macbeth was shocked of the witches' revelation. He tried to ignore the saying of the witches. But greed devoured him and this trigger him to kill Hamlet. 

The captain of the ship invited all the guests to join him for the special dinner. But Hamlet was not able to come just he was too tired and he wanted to rest. For Macbeth, everything went according to his plan. He went to Hamlet's room and stabbed him on his chest. No one saw what happened inside the room. The people just found out about the ruler's death after several days. Juliet saw the tragedy that happened to her father.

The sky became dark as Macbeth's greed and heavy rain started to pour. The sea swayed the ship to and fro. The captain started to shout, "The captain goes down with the ship." Everyone panicked. The ship sank and all the passengers swam to the shoreline of the closest island, Bermuda. The citizens were shocked with what happened to the shipwreck. A lot of pressure was on Juliet's head so she confronted the people. "Why for all the people my father became the victim of the hideous crime a soulless man could only commit?" Romeo tried to comfort Juliet. "Fair maiden such anger does not value such wondrous beauty."

Meanwhile, Antipholus of Ephesus was making love with his wife Adriana when Caliban saw them and had an idea. He told Claudio that Hero was the one making love with Antipholus of Ephesus. Claudio burst with anger. Claudio confronted Hero. But Hero has no idea of what he was talking about. Hero ran away from hero and she cried. Meanwhile, while everyone was sleeping Puck dropped the potion to Antipholus of Ephesus and Antipholus of Syracuse as what Caliban told him to do. When they woke up, Antipholus of Ephesus saw Hermia  and fell in love with her, same with Antipholus of Syracuse to Helena.

They chased each other to find who is who and which is which. Adriana knew from Caliban that her husband, Antipholus of Epehesus, fell in love with Hermia. At the same time, Caliban told Juliet the truth about his father's death. Juliet went to Romeo and confronted him. They said nasty things about each other’s father that made them forgot about the love they had for each other. They killed each other for their fathers' honor. They both died with hatred inside their hearts. 

After the tragic death of the young lovers, Claudio decided to apologize to Hero about the things he said to her. Claudio went up to the coconut tree and asked for forgiveness from Hero, he said that he would never go down until Hero forgives him.

The trouble between Antipholus of Ephesus, Antipholus of Syracuse, Adriana, Hermia, Helena, Demetrius and Lysander was never fixed. So Puck decided to clean it on his own, he told the people to think of everything, every painful memories, every ecstatic experience, as if it was a dream.

Martes, Setyembre 24, 2013

That's Life

“Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair.” 

In the play Macbeth, it was the phrase that the three witches said before they went in separate ways. It sounds kind of stupid, right? Well, it was because a foul will never be fair, and the same as a fair one will never be a foul. But what really is the meaning of it?

In my understanding, with a little analysis of the statement, it means that a fair or a good deed of someone is a foul or a bad thing for another, and the same as a foul or a bad deed of someone is a good thing for another. So, I think, the witches were saying that because they already had predicted what will happen. An example of this is Macbeth, knowing that he will become the king, killed King Duncan during his sleep.  The ‘fair’ in the side of Macbeth is that he knew that he will be the king so he killed King Duncan and the ‘foul’ in the side of King Duncan is that he was killed. That is an example of the Fair is Foul. Another one is the attack of Macduff with the English army to Macbeth. The ‘foul’ in this situation is the attack of Macduff to the king, Macbeth, but it is ‘fair’ too; because, Macduff did that because Macbeth was the one who killed his family and also other crimes like killing Banquo and Fleance, but failed to kill Fleance. That is an example of the Foul is Fair.

May I share my experience? I can apply this concept in my Tae Kwon Do sparrings. Sometimes, in order to win you need to think of a strategy which sometimes called as 'gulang' or 'panggugulang'. It's like a Foul for your opponent but it's still Fair because it doesn't break the rules of the fight so it's your advantage. That's just a simple example of Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair in my life.

Well, that’s life. We can’t help it. Sometimes, we do what is good for us but bad for others. It’s natural to us, we can’t control ourselves, our emotions, our desire; it’s human behavior. Well, that’s it, fair is foul, and foul is fair. We can’t stop it but we can prevent it to happen: just do RIGHT, and everything will be ALRIGHT. ^_^

Linggo, Setyembre 15, 2013

My Midsummer Night's Dream’s Climax

Well, the play is very comical and has an unclear climax. It is said to be a comedy play but the happenings in the play were not funny for me. Well, some of them were funny but almost all were just stupidity, for me. Anyway, the climax of the play in my opinion was the quarrelling of the two lovers, Lysander and Demetrius, and the two childhood friends, Hermia and Helena. Lysander and Demetrius quarreled because Puck mistakenly put the love potion on Lysander’s eye at first attempt to love Helena. It should be on Demetrius’ eye to love Helena because she loves him. Then at the second attempt, Puck now did it correctly on the right eye so both of the guys were now in love with Helena so they quarreled. Upon knowing Lysander now loving Helena, Hermia quarreled Helena. While they were quarrelling, Oberon instructed Puck to cast a shadow on the woods so the quarrelling pairs will go in separate ways. They went in separate ways but still have the bitter feelings for each other. 

I chose that part as my climax because it was the most intense part of the play. It was like the action part for me. It was also in that part where that conflict was resolved by casting a shadow then Puck did something on each of them so there will be no more quarreling. Puck put back Lysander’s love for Helena and every one forgot their quarrels.

That was my climax at that play but I really don’t know if it’s clearly stated at the play or in any source of what is the true climax of the play.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 11, 2013

Strong People Forgive… Intelligent People Ignore…

“The best way to FORGIVE… is to FORGET.”

Is that statement true? Well, I guess it’s true, but let’s see…

People make mistakes. We can’t help it, we’re not perfect and no one is. Some people could hurt us and sometimes we could hurt others. Hurting each other is apparently a bad thing and could end up into a mess, sometimes very messy, so we should stop it. How? One of those two people should forgive the other one. But how? That’s the difficult part. 

Well, I frankly consider myself a forgiving person and an experienced one. People hurt me but ended up still being okay with them. We will end up like there was nothing bad happened between the two of us. I should share my experiences to elaborate my point but honestly I don’t want to remember them.

The best thing to do to forgive is to LOWER YOUR PRIDE. Your pride naturally gets out from you when someone hurt you or when you hurt someone, it’s automatic. When someone hurt you, you will say “why should I forgive him/her?! It’s his/her fault. He/she should apologize.” and when you hurt someone, “why should I apologize?! It’s not my fault.” Imagine that. What would happen with the two of you if both has those mindsets. Will you be okay with each other? Will it stop? Basically of course no~! It will just stop if one will lower his/her pride and apologize or forgive the other one.

But what if the mistake is too big? If someone hurt you and it became an impact to you, your emotions. What if? The answer is simple but difficult to do… STILL FORGIVE especially if that person is a person you love. Of course no one can hurt you and will become an impact to you if it’s not one of the people you love. But because you love them… you will FORGIVE them. Now, you’re a strong person, why? You are enough to be strong to handle that impact to your life but still forgive. If your mother will say a very harsh thing about you, forgive her. When your brother will punch you at your back, forgive him. If you still love your ex but broke almost all her promises, forgive her. Strong people forgive…

But what if those mistakes were repeated? Will you forgive again and again? Stupid but yes… again and again. But in a different way, FORGET. Forget those mistakes. Forget, so you will not be hurt again. I have my own term there, it’s IGNORE. Ignore those mistakes for they are repetitive. Ignore her broken promises because you are used to it. You are not just strong now but intelligent, for you have learned to forget or ignore his/her mistakes. Intelligent people ignore…

The statement is right; the best way to forgive is to forget. :)

Miyerkules, Setyembre 4, 2013

Bra_ns: the “I” and the “W”

Let us call the academic excellence students but not sporty BRAINS and the sporty students but not academic excellence BRAWNS. 

Of course, each is different from one another but let’s have first what are common of them. Both are good in their said aspects. Both can perform in extracurricular activities or contests. Also, both of them have the right attitude towards what they are good into, academics to Brains and sports to Brawns. To Brains, they study, review, take down notes and anything they need to do to be the best in academics; while to Brawns, they train, run, exercise and anything they need to do to be fit and to be the best in their sports.

Now, let’s have their differences. Obviously, Brains are not that into sports because they don’t have talent for that. Maybe, they can help or think for the strategy for the sports but they need others like Brawns to do it. But look at it, Brains can contribute or still do sports by thinking of strategies, but can Brawns do academics? Maybe in Physical Education they can, but how about Math and Science? Can they still survive in Academics? Maybe that’s the common and, I think, the only difference of each from one another. Can you think of other differences?

Well, honestly I consider myself half-Brain and half-Brawn but something passed my mind. If I get to choose what I am from birth, either Brain or Brawn, which will I choose? Well, honestly I choose being a Brain. It’s because it’s difficult to cope up in lessons in school than to our physical activities. Lessons in school need more effort than our physical activities. So when if I’m a Brain, I will not be making so much effort in my academics and if I have the time, I can manage myself and schedule my consistent exercise to be fit, healthy and ready for sports. But, anyway, it’s still better if you’re half-Brain half-Brawn. ;)

Lunes, Agosto 26, 2013

Let Us Pray...

This previous week, typhoon Maring struck Philippines
Some of the people were badly affected, hurt
So here is a prayer I made for those people
Those people who are You Yourself gave life from birth

Let us pray… Our Father, who art in Thy heaven,
I pray to Thee and to those who are with You there
For people who had been affected by Maring
Please show; make them feel, Your Tender, loving and care

Guidance to those people who nearly stop hoping
More blessings to those people who mostly need it
Protection, to those with lives who are still at risk
And safety for those people who have lack of it

I ask You, Lord my God, that you may give these four
These four that all of those people affected need
These four, the guidance, blessings, protection, safety
Give these like they shouldn’t need to repay a deed

And Holy Virgin Mary, pray for all of them
And I ask through our Christ, our Lord, Amen
Live Jesus in all of our hearts, forever
The name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost, Amen

Biyernes, Agosto 16, 2013

Important is Grammar... wait, WHAT?!


Ganito Ka Rin Ba Mag-English?

(To whoever gets to understand this letter, CONGRATULATIONS!)

The following is a letter found at a certain bar in Manila and has been preserved in its original, unedited form. Enjoy reading and you may try direct translation in Tagalog. Pls. read with feelings……

October 1996
To Marije,

I am not surprise or wonder why Dennis leave you why? What reason can you think about but you’re very fat body. I thought before that Dennis only use me to his toy but sooner and later I’m realize that he really can’t not beared or stomached to be with you anymore because at first, Dennis say he could not stand you’re habit of making pakialam all his walks (lakad) and always calling to their house what he got home or this or that.

And then he say he get ashame to me either in school or in his family and then asking you to exercise you’re very very, very fat body. But you hate it. Thought you’re the most preetiest girls he knows about. What do you think you are “BeautifulGirl” of Jose Mari Chan?

Even you are beautiful face (to your think) you do not have the right to called me whatsoever or else difference name one time or the other for the real purposed to insults my personality because I’m never call you names either in the front of Dennis or in the backs of Dennis, but if you start already to calling me different name, I don’t have any other choice but to call you other different name to. Like you are a PIG, FAT, OBESSED, OVERWIGHT, AND UGLY SHAPE girl. Shame to you’re body that is to a BUDING.

You can’t not blame Dennis for exchanging you to me because I am the more sexier that you when you look to us in the mirror. I’m repeat again that you are like Ike Lozada when she is a girl.

Love,The sexiest Girl of D.M.

P.S.You say that I’m the bad breathe but who is Dennis want to kissed. Me or you? And the final is me. There you go.

Whoa~! The girl has a very large wisdom of English language. Hehe, just joking. When I started to read it, I didn't understand it and was irritated because of the grammar. When I tried harder to understand it, there I realized the letter was intense, haha. I was laughing after I understood the letter because of the placement of the words and how the construction was. Dennis was the boy whom the two girls are in love with. The girl who wrote the letter was so angry and upset about Marije even though Dennis left Marije.

I've noticed the words are placed on how their Tagalog translations are in order. I've also noticed that the verbs she used are not consistent if they’re in base form, in s-form or in past tense. Also, she used be verbs in almost all of her sentences. She used the words “you’re” instead of “your”. She used “can’t” but still put “not” after it.

Even though the English is obviously not correct, some parts can still be understood. But still, one should really need to learn the proper and the correct way of writing English. It will make you express yourself in English better and proper so give effort in learning it.

I edited the letter and here it is:

October 1996, 

To Marije,

I wasn’t surprised why Dennis left you. What else do you think is the reason besides your fat body? 

Before, I thought that Dennis only used me to be his toy but later I realized that he really can’t tolerate being with you. Dennis told me he could not stand your habit of having irritating concern to all his getaways and also always calling to their house asking many things.

He also told me that he got ashamed to me, in school and also to his family because he was asking you to exercise your very fat body but you don’t want to exercise. You think that you’re the prettiest girl he knows. Who do you think you are, “Beautiful Girl” from the song of Jose Mari Chan? 

Even you have a beautiful face (from what you think), you don’t have the right to call me names to insult my personality because I never called you names neither in front of Dennis nor at his back. But if you will start to call me names, I don’t have any choice but to do the same, names like PIG, FAT, OBESE, OVERWEIGHT, AND an UGLY SHAPED girl. You should be ashamed for your body which looks like that of a GAY.

You can’t blame Dennis for replacing you for me because I am sexier than you in front of a mirror. I’ll repeat that you are like Ike Lozada if he’ll be a girl.

The sexiest girl of D.M.

You said that I have a bad breath. But who does Dennis want to kiss, me or you? It’s me.

Sabado, Agosto 3, 2013

We don’t have any informal theme notebook, or any informal theme booklet. Instead, we have this, BLOG~! It’s cool right? It is now the high tech edition of informal themes. Whoa, yeah!

I like it, not just because I should use the computer and the internet for it, but also, I will not see my teacher looking or reading it and see her reaction while she's reading it; for that reason I will not be nervous after posting my composition. Also, I have more confidence in making or doing compositions here. I like it better than writing informal themes. It’s not that I hate writing, I just prefer typing. In typing, I can edit my work as many times as I want, easier, faster and more neatly.

I’m more comfortable doing compositions here than on papers; I feel free and I can express myself more. I feel talking to someone without awkwardness. That feeling makes me more enthusiastic.

This blog informal theme is a brilliant idea and I hope more informal themes will come, but of course just enough number that we can handle.

Sabado, Hulyo 27, 2013

Now I Know, I Am Me

Who am I? Yeah, I’m asking myself, who am I? It’s weird, right? Asking myself who am I is weird. I control myself, but why ask myself who am I? Maybe I’m confused. Maybe I don’t trust myself anymore. I don’t trust my decisions, my choices, my instincts. Or just maybe I’m too busy with things that I don’t have time to talk to myself about my decisions and my choices.

Sometimes, people say “Jem, you’re so sweet… kind… nice… such a gentleman” but sometimes “Jem, you’re a jerk… mean…rude.” Sometimes I think of myself as a gentleman, but also sometimes I think of myself as the opposite. When I talk to someone I’m not that close or not really close, why do I act like a gentleman or a nice guy? Did I just act it or that’s just who I really am? But why if I’m with my closest friends I act wild? Who am I?

I was in love with a girl, got broken, still in love with her, then fell in love with another girl, in love with both, then chose the first. I said and did sweet things, the things I really meant, to the one I didn’t choose, yet, still didn’t choose her. I left her but I didn’t lie to her. I really loved her but I said things that were broken, I didn’t keep my words. That was why I don’t trust myself anymore with my promises. I don’t know or I’m not sure if I will keep or break my promises unlike before, I was always sure to keep and do my promises.

Until now, it bothers me. Not just leaving her that bothers me, but also all the broken promises I made and decisions that hurt people. Do I still control myself, or my feelings are taking over? Then, at last, I had the time for myself. I had my realizations, leanings and lessons. After that time, I felt lighter. I felt that I really know who I am. I now have the feeling that I got the control back.

Realizations and lessons were made after that time, the time for myself. Now I know who I am and I can change if it’s wrong and be better if it’s right. I now have the control. I am just a simple boy who likes to do things in his own way. I have no problem with people that judge the way I do things in my life. That’s because I don’t control how and what they think. I don’t worry about the things I can’t control; I worry about the things I can, which are myself and my attitude. I will not let the negative things people think about me affect me. My attitude is not based on how you treat me. It is based on how I use it regardless of how you treat me… unless necessary. I am ME. ^_^

Linggo, Hulyo 14, 2013

Having the Ability to Choose....

“To Be or Not To Be” -Hamlet

Hamlet questions the meaning of life, and whether or not it is worthwhile to stay alive when life contains so many hardships. He comes to the conclusion that the main reason people stay alive is due to a fear of death and uncertainty at what lies beyond life.

In simple, it’s a choice. It simply means yes or no, continue or stop, live or die, I will or I won’t, I do or I don’t, I choose to or I choose not to, now or never. In life there are so many questions that have choices to make, like “will I ask her out?”, “will I study or review for the test?”, “will I make my project now?”, “will I try these drugs?” and so many more to mention.

Think Before You Act!

There are times in our life that just suddenly… we need to choose, that sometimes the speed of the moment also affects the speed of our decision, our choice; that’s where the phrase Think Before You Act will come in. A choice is not just chosen because you just feel good about it or you just like the fun of it. You need to think about it, weigh the consequences, imagine the future or results of it, who will have the advantage and the disadvantage, who will get hurt, is it for myself or for others, what is the right thing to do, etc. Choice will also show who you are, your attitude, your personality, your mindset, your goals; therefore definitely good choice, good attitude, good personality, good mindset, good goals.

In my life, there were choices I made that I regret and there were some that I didn’t. One of the choices I regret was when I was in Grade 6 when I chose to focus myself, my time, in extra-curricular and be confident in my academic performance. I ended up ranking second of the class from my consistently ranking first; but, in every wrong choice, there’s learning, moral, lesson. I changed and balanced my extra-curricular with my academic performance and until now, though I do not rank first in my section, I am doing my best, the best that I can, I know and until to what extent of my ability.


The ability to choose is God’s gift to us, humans. Animals don’t have that, also plants and of course also the non-living. It is God’s gift so be thankful; being thankful is not being wasteful; and not being wasteful is using the gift right, so make the right choice. ^_^

Linggo, Hulyo 7, 2013

The Greatest 4pm Class of III-N

Spelling pretests on Mondays,
look at our scores, we got low.
Post tests on Wednesdays,
look at our scores, we’re not foe

Verbals, we had at first.
Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives,
Verbs which were cursed
to be Nouns, Adverbs, or Adjectives.

Then, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet we had.
Grouped in four different settings,
All results were not bad,
but “not bad” means better happenings!

Third is thy Tenses
Past, Present, Future they are,
in simple, perfect, progressive and perfect progressive tenses.
We’d already discussed until there so far.

Of course, don’t forget thy teacher,
who teaches the best in every way.
Mildred Climacosa-Atendido and is a “her”.
And always a good teacher in everyday.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 3, 2013

Les Collage~! =P

Well, this is my collage. It looks kinda boring but... it is still a collage, that's all I can say. By the way, the pictures in this collage are place accordingly to give meaning. It has no complex meanings, just simple and few. First, are the pictures of the men working, carrying burden, the hardworking, etc., they are shown there to show the men's appearance or state without computers or any computer technology; their difficulty is shown also from the looks of each of them. Second, are the computers, they are operating beautifully, cheerfully, in order etc. and also two of the computers are the carrying the men's burden or work. It means that computers or computer technology can do work that men can and also can help men in their work. And the third one is the smiley that says GOOD JOB! The meaning there is a little obvious; it means that all of those in whole is a good job. It means that the help that computers or computer technology give is a good job and a successful one. ^_^ and all I can say is "Keep Up the Good Work!" ^_^

Linggo, Hunyo 23, 2013

The Happy Ending...

Act 5: Scene 3
In the churchyard that night, Paris enters with a torch-bearing servant. He orders the page to withdraw, then begins scattering flowers on Juliet’s grave. He hears a whistle—the servant’s warning that someone is approaching. He withdraws into the darkness. Romeo, carrying a crowbar, enters with Balthasar. He tells Balthasar that he has come to open the Capulet tomb in order to take back a valuable ring he had given to Juliet. Then he orders Balthasar to leave, and, in the morning, to deliver to Montague the letter Romeo had given him. Balthasar withdraws, but, mistrusting his master’s intentions, lingers to watch. From his hiding place, Paris recognizes Romeo as the man who murdered Tybalt, and thus as the man who indirectly murdered Juliet, since it is her grief for her cousin that is supposed to have killed her. As Romeo has been exiled from the city on penalty of death, Paris thinks that Romeo must hate the Capulets so much that he has returned to the tomb to do some dishonor to the corpse of either Tybalt or Juliet. In a rage, Paris accosts Romeo. Romeo pleads with him to leave, but Paris refuses. They draw their swords and fight. Paris’s page runs off to get the civil watch. Romeo kills Paris. As he dies, Paris asks to be laid near Juliet in the tomb, and Romeo consents. Romeo descends into the tomb carrying Paris’s body. He finds Juliet lying peacefully, and wonders how she can still look so beautiful—as if she were not dead at all. Romeo speaks to Juliet of his intention to spend eternity with her, describing himself as shaking “the yoke of inauspicious stars / From this world-wearied flesh”. He kisses Juliet, drinks the poison, kisses Juliet again, and dies.Just then, Friar Lawrence enters the churchyard. He encounters Balthasar, who tells him that Romeo is in the tomb. Balthasar says that he fell asleep and dreamed that Romeo fought with and killed someone. Troubled, the friar enters the tomb, where he finds Paris’s body and then Romeo’s. As the friar takes in the bloody scene, Juliet wakes.Juliet asks the friar where her husband is. Hearing a noise that he believes is the coming of the watch, the friar quickly replies that both Romeo and Paris are dead, and that she must leave with him. Juliet refuses to leave, and the friar, fearful that the watch is imminent, exits without her. Juliet sees Romeo dead beside her, and surmises from the empty vial that he has drunk poison. Hoping she might die by the same poison, Juliet kisses his lips, but to no avail. Hearing the approaching watch, Juliet unsheathes Romeo’s dagger and, saying, “O happy dagger, / This is thy sheath,” stabs herself. She dies upon Romeo’s body.Chaos reigns in the churchyard, where Paris’s page has brought the watch. The watchmen discover bloodstains near the tomb; they hold Balthasar and Friar Lawrence, who they discovered loitering nearby. The Prince and the Capulets enter. Romeo, Juliet, and Paris are discovered in the tomb. Montague arrives, declaring that Lady Montague has died of grief for Romeo’s exile. The Prince shows Montague his son’s body. Upon the Prince’s request, Friar Lawrence succinctly tells the story of Romeo and Juliet’s secret marriage and its consequences. Balthasar gives the Prince the letter Romeo had previously written to his father. The Prince says that it confirms the friar’s story. He scolds the Capulets and Montagues, calling the tragedy a consequence of their feud and reminding them that he himself has lost two close kinsmen: Mercutio and Paris. Capulet and Montague clasp hands and agree to put their vendetta behind them. Montague says that he will build a golden statue of Juliet, and Capulet insists that he will raise Romeo’s likeness in gold beside hers. The Prince takes the group away to discuss these events, pronouncing that there has never been “a story of more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo”.

Now~! It's my turn~! ^_^My own ending will be like this:

There, Paris, his servant and his page went to the churchyard where the servant was outside to warn them about company and the page was with Paris to the grave. Then, there came Romeo but upon seeing the servant and Paris' page, he hid then wait for them to leave. Minutes passed by then Paris and his company left the grave and went off. Then Romeo went to Juliet's grave. Upon seeing her, he cried.... then he cried.... then he cried....until there was no tear left. While crying, he was shouting Juliet's name, saying it in countless times. Paris, his company, and also Friar Lawrence heard it. Upon hearing it, they rushed towards the grave. Before Paris and the Friar will able to reach the grave, Juliet woke up but Romeo didn't notice her. When Romeo is about to drink the poison, Juliet stopped him. Romeo was shocked. He couldn't believe in what he saw but he hugged her, kissed her. Then Paris and Friar Lawrence, saw them. When Romeo and Juliet saw Paris, they explained and also Friar Lawrence to help them explain it to Paris. It was hard for Paris but he let go; he moved on. He left, left nothing but a kiss in Juliet's hand. After that incident, the couple went to the Prince with Friar Lawrence to tell what happened. The Prince, upon told about the union of the son and daughter of the rivals, called both Montague and Capulet. He then told both families about the union but both opposed about the union. But then Romeo and Juliet spoke their thoughts, "the rivalry should end... because even a person in the family of Capulet can love a person in the Montague, and the same way from the Montague to the Capulet. Peace can be done by love. No people wants mess, fights,... we want peace. And through our union may show you the good of peace. Let's forget everything that went wrong and start everything right; and in time... our hearts will accept each other". While hearing this, both sides were thinking, and also realizing the truth of what Romeo and Juliet said. From that day on, Capulet and Montague decided to start being good to each other and agreed that in time they will harmonious be with each other. ^_^

I made my ending of the story HAPPY. It is simply because it is shorter than the word DRAMA. Just kidding.. =P I just like being happy, having happy moments and happy life... and of course I feel that we all like BEING HAPPY. ^_^ Trust me... We all are... ;)

Linggo, Hunyo 16, 2013

My Dad, The Man I Wanna Be... ^_^

Alberto “Jojo” S. Geronimo Jr., currently 41 years old but moves like age doesn’t affect him, is the father of three simple but cool children which most people call Eulene, Jem and Mark (well, the one named Jem is the coolest, and that’s me).

Well, let’s see, what can I say? Aha~! Supportive~! In every way~! And I think it’s his middle name, yeah I’m just kidding. When I do something, “keep it up”; if I ask if I can do something, “sure, by all means”; when I have a good idea, “that’s a good one”; when I sometimes make mistakes or failures, “you can still do it”; these are just some lines of my dad, and just imagine how supportive he is. It’s like he always believe in me, always trust my instincts, strength, abilities… and even in times when I have failures, it’s like he is indirectly telling me “it’s okay son ^_^”. Whoa~! Yeah~!

Another thing? About my dad? Well, I can say he is fun. If you look at him, he looks like a leader of the Philippine Air Force, a CAT adviser, a Principal in a disciplined school, or just someone who wants everything to be serious and in order, but no, it’s just his appearance. He enjoys the moment when it should be enjoyed. He jokes when no one will be offended. He laughs when it is time of being jolly. And those are the things we are sure to agree with each other. Oh yeah~!

Of course, except being supportive and fun, his children should be disciplined also. He is strict, I can say that, but not the way like we grew in fear, just grew in respect and enough discipline. We grew with fun and support but not grew spoiled. And it is another thing why I am thankful that I grew with a father like him. ^_^

Still, nobody’s perfect. I guarantee that, but even though my father is not PERFECT, he is still the RIGHT father for me, and my siblings. And maybe someday, I will be a father like him or just maybe almost like him. I love my dad~! ^_^ HAPPY FATHER’S DAY~!