Linggo, Oktubre 6, 2013

The Truth Behind History

A long time ago in one of the lost island of Bermuda, there lived a powerful magician named, Prospero who saw horrible scenes that will happen in the future. He decided to change whatever may happen. He planned a cruise for the noble citizens of Italy and Scotland. All of the invited guests entered the cruise ship. But Macbeth was the last one to enter. The three witches appeared at the entrance of the ship. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair." They told him that he would be the next king of the two kingdoms, Italy and Scotland if he killed Hamlet. Macbeth was shocked of the witches' revelation. He tried to ignore the saying of the witches. But greed devoured him and this trigger him to kill Hamlet. 

The captain of the ship invited all the guests to join him for the special dinner. But Hamlet was not able to come just he was too tired and he wanted to rest. For Macbeth, everything went according to his plan. He went to Hamlet's room and stabbed him on his chest. No one saw what happened inside the room. The people just found out about the ruler's death after several days. Juliet saw the tragedy that happened to her father.

The sky became dark as Macbeth's greed and heavy rain started to pour. The sea swayed the ship to and fro. The captain started to shout, "The captain goes down with the ship." Everyone panicked. The ship sank and all the passengers swam to the shoreline of the closest island, Bermuda. The citizens were shocked with what happened to the shipwreck. A lot of pressure was on Juliet's head so she confronted the people. "Why for all the people my father became the victim of the hideous crime a soulless man could only commit?" Romeo tried to comfort Juliet. "Fair maiden such anger does not value such wondrous beauty."

Meanwhile, Antipholus of Ephesus was making love with his wife Adriana when Caliban saw them and had an idea. He told Claudio that Hero was the one making love with Antipholus of Ephesus. Claudio burst with anger. Claudio confronted Hero. But Hero has no idea of what he was talking about. Hero ran away from hero and she cried. Meanwhile, while everyone was sleeping Puck dropped the potion to Antipholus of Ephesus and Antipholus of Syracuse as what Caliban told him to do. When they woke up, Antipholus of Ephesus saw Hermia  and fell in love with her, same with Antipholus of Syracuse to Helena.

They chased each other to find who is who and which is which. Adriana knew from Caliban that her husband, Antipholus of Epehesus, fell in love with Hermia. At the same time, Caliban told Juliet the truth about his father's death. Juliet went to Romeo and confronted him. They said nasty things about each other’s father that made them forgot about the love they had for each other. They killed each other for their fathers' honor. They both died with hatred inside their hearts. 

After the tragic death of the young lovers, Claudio decided to apologize to Hero about the things he said to her. Claudio went up to the coconut tree and asked for forgiveness from Hero, he said that he would never go down until Hero forgives him.

The trouble between Antipholus of Ephesus, Antipholus of Syracuse, Adriana, Hermia, Helena, Demetrius and Lysander was never fixed. So Puck decided to clean it on his own, he told the people to think of everything, every painful memories, every ecstatic experience, as if it was a dream.

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