Linggo, Setyembre 15, 2013

My Midsummer Night's Dream’s Climax

Well, the play is very comical and has an unclear climax. It is said to be a comedy play but the happenings in the play were not funny for me. Well, some of them were funny but almost all were just stupidity, for me. Anyway, the climax of the play in my opinion was the quarrelling of the two lovers, Lysander and Demetrius, and the two childhood friends, Hermia and Helena. Lysander and Demetrius quarreled because Puck mistakenly put the love potion on Lysander’s eye at first attempt to love Helena. It should be on Demetrius’ eye to love Helena because she loves him. Then at the second attempt, Puck now did it correctly on the right eye so both of the guys were now in love with Helena so they quarreled. Upon knowing Lysander now loving Helena, Hermia quarreled Helena. While they were quarrelling, Oberon instructed Puck to cast a shadow on the woods so the quarrelling pairs will go in separate ways. They went in separate ways but still have the bitter feelings for each other. 

I chose that part as my climax because it was the most intense part of the play. It was like the action part for me. It was also in that part where that conflict was resolved by casting a shadow then Puck did something on each of them so there will be no more quarreling. Puck put back Lysander’s love for Helena and every one forgot their quarrels.

That was my climax at that play but I really don’t know if it’s clearly stated at the play or in any source of what is the true climax of the play.

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