Martes, Setyembre 24, 2013

That's Life

“Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair.” 

In the play Macbeth, it was the phrase that the three witches said before they went in separate ways. It sounds kind of stupid, right? Well, it was because a foul will never be fair, and the same as a fair one will never be a foul. But what really is the meaning of it?

In my understanding, with a little analysis of the statement, it means that a fair or a good deed of someone is a foul or a bad thing for another, and the same as a foul or a bad deed of someone is a good thing for another. So, I think, the witches were saying that because they already had predicted what will happen. An example of this is Macbeth, knowing that he will become the king, killed King Duncan during his sleep.  The ‘fair’ in the side of Macbeth is that he knew that he will be the king so he killed King Duncan and the ‘foul’ in the side of King Duncan is that he was killed. That is an example of the Fair is Foul. Another one is the attack of Macduff with the English army to Macbeth. The ‘foul’ in this situation is the attack of Macduff to the king, Macbeth, but it is ‘fair’ too; because, Macduff did that because Macbeth was the one who killed his family and also other crimes like killing Banquo and Fleance, but failed to kill Fleance. That is an example of the Foul is Fair.

May I share my experience? I can apply this concept in my Tae Kwon Do sparrings. Sometimes, in order to win you need to think of a strategy which sometimes called as 'gulang' or 'panggugulang'. It's like a Foul for your opponent but it's still Fair because it doesn't break the rules of the fight so it's your advantage. That's just a simple example of Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair in my life.

Well, that’s life. We can’t help it. Sometimes, we do what is good for us but bad for others. It’s natural to us, we can’t control ourselves, our emotions, our desire; it’s human behavior. Well, that’s it, fair is foul, and foul is fair. We can’t stop it but we can prevent it to happen: just do RIGHT, and everything will be ALRIGHT. ^_^

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