Linggo, Hulyo 14, 2013

Having the Ability to Choose....

“To Be or Not To Be” -Hamlet

Hamlet questions the meaning of life, and whether or not it is worthwhile to stay alive when life contains so many hardships. He comes to the conclusion that the main reason people stay alive is due to a fear of death and uncertainty at what lies beyond life.

In simple, it’s a choice. It simply means yes or no, continue or stop, live or die, I will or I won’t, I do or I don’t, I choose to or I choose not to, now or never. In life there are so many questions that have choices to make, like “will I ask her out?”, “will I study or review for the test?”, “will I make my project now?”, “will I try these drugs?” and so many more to mention.

Think Before You Act!

There are times in our life that just suddenly… we need to choose, that sometimes the speed of the moment also affects the speed of our decision, our choice; that’s where the phrase Think Before You Act will come in. A choice is not just chosen because you just feel good about it or you just like the fun of it. You need to think about it, weigh the consequences, imagine the future or results of it, who will have the advantage and the disadvantage, who will get hurt, is it for myself or for others, what is the right thing to do, etc. Choice will also show who you are, your attitude, your personality, your mindset, your goals; therefore definitely good choice, good attitude, good personality, good mindset, good goals.

In my life, there were choices I made that I regret and there were some that I didn’t. One of the choices I regret was when I was in Grade 6 when I chose to focus myself, my time, in extra-curricular and be confident in my academic performance. I ended up ranking second of the class from my consistently ranking first; but, in every wrong choice, there’s learning, moral, lesson. I changed and balanced my extra-curricular with my academic performance and until now, though I do not rank first in my section, I am doing my best, the best that I can, I know and until to what extent of my ability.


The ability to choose is God’s gift to us, humans. Animals don’t have that, also plants and of course also the non-living. It is God’s gift so be thankful; being thankful is not being wasteful; and not being wasteful is using the gift right, so make the right choice. ^_^

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