Miyerkules, Hulyo 3, 2013

Les Collage~! =P

Well, this is my collage. It looks kinda boring but... it is still a collage, that's all I can say. By the way, the pictures in this collage are place accordingly to give meaning. It has no complex meanings, just simple and few. First, are the pictures of the men working, carrying burden, the hardworking, etc., they are shown there to show the men's appearance or state without computers or any computer technology; their difficulty is shown also from the looks of each of them. Second, are the computers, they are operating beautifully, cheerfully, in order etc. and also two of the computers are the carrying the men's burden or work. It means that computers or computer technology can do work that men can and also can help men in their work. And the third one is the smiley that says GOOD JOB! The meaning there is a little obvious; it means that all of those in whole is a good job. It means that the help that computers or computer technology give is a good job and a successful one. ^_^ and all I can say is "Keep Up the Good Work!" ^_^

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