Martes, Setyembre 24, 2013

That's Life

“Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair.” 

In the play Macbeth, it was the phrase that the three witches said before they went in separate ways. It sounds kind of stupid, right? Well, it was because a foul will never be fair, and the same as a fair one will never be a foul. But what really is the meaning of it?

In my understanding, with a little analysis of the statement, it means that a fair or a good deed of someone is a foul or a bad thing for another, and the same as a foul or a bad deed of someone is a good thing for another. So, I think, the witches were saying that because they already had predicted what will happen. An example of this is Macbeth, knowing that he will become the king, killed King Duncan during his sleep.  The ‘fair’ in the side of Macbeth is that he knew that he will be the king so he killed King Duncan and the ‘foul’ in the side of King Duncan is that he was killed. That is an example of the Fair is Foul. Another one is the attack of Macduff with the English army to Macbeth. The ‘foul’ in this situation is the attack of Macduff to the king, Macbeth, but it is ‘fair’ too; because, Macduff did that because Macbeth was the one who killed his family and also other crimes like killing Banquo and Fleance, but failed to kill Fleance. That is an example of the Foul is Fair.

May I share my experience? I can apply this concept in my Tae Kwon Do sparrings. Sometimes, in order to win you need to think of a strategy which sometimes called as 'gulang' or 'panggugulang'. It's like a Foul for your opponent but it's still Fair because it doesn't break the rules of the fight so it's your advantage. That's just a simple example of Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair in my life.

Well, that’s life. We can’t help it. Sometimes, we do what is good for us but bad for others. It’s natural to us, we can’t control ourselves, our emotions, our desire; it’s human behavior. Well, that’s it, fair is foul, and foul is fair. We can’t stop it but we can prevent it to happen: just do RIGHT, and everything will be ALRIGHT. ^_^

Linggo, Setyembre 15, 2013

My Midsummer Night's Dream’s Climax

Well, the play is very comical and has an unclear climax. It is said to be a comedy play but the happenings in the play were not funny for me. Well, some of them were funny but almost all were just stupidity, for me. Anyway, the climax of the play in my opinion was the quarrelling of the two lovers, Lysander and Demetrius, and the two childhood friends, Hermia and Helena. Lysander and Demetrius quarreled because Puck mistakenly put the love potion on Lysander’s eye at first attempt to love Helena. It should be on Demetrius’ eye to love Helena because she loves him. Then at the second attempt, Puck now did it correctly on the right eye so both of the guys were now in love with Helena so they quarreled. Upon knowing Lysander now loving Helena, Hermia quarreled Helena. While they were quarrelling, Oberon instructed Puck to cast a shadow on the woods so the quarrelling pairs will go in separate ways. They went in separate ways but still have the bitter feelings for each other. 

I chose that part as my climax because it was the most intense part of the play. It was like the action part for me. It was also in that part where that conflict was resolved by casting a shadow then Puck did something on each of them so there will be no more quarreling. Puck put back Lysander’s love for Helena and every one forgot their quarrels.

That was my climax at that play but I really don’t know if it’s clearly stated at the play or in any source of what is the true climax of the play.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 11, 2013

Strong People Forgive… Intelligent People Ignore…

“The best way to FORGIVE… is to FORGET.”

Is that statement true? Well, I guess it’s true, but let’s see…

People make mistakes. We can’t help it, we’re not perfect and no one is. Some people could hurt us and sometimes we could hurt others. Hurting each other is apparently a bad thing and could end up into a mess, sometimes very messy, so we should stop it. How? One of those two people should forgive the other one. But how? That’s the difficult part. 

Well, I frankly consider myself a forgiving person and an experienced one. People hurt me but ended up still being okay with them. We will end up like there was nothing bad happened between the two of us. I should share my experiences to elaborate my point but honestly I don’t want to remember them.

The best thing to do to forgive is to LOWER YOUR PRIDE. Your pride naturally gets out from you when someone hurt you or when you hurt someone, it’s automatic. When someone hurt you, you will say “why should I forgive him/her?! It’s his/her fault. He/she should apologize.” and when you hurt someone, “why should I apologize?! It’s not my fault.” Imagine that. What would happen with the two of you if both has those mindsets. Will you be okay with each other? Will it stop? Basically of course no~! It will just stop if one will lower his/her pride and apologize or forgive the other one.

But what if the mistake is too big? If someone hurt you and it became an impact to you, your emotions. What if? The answer is simple but difficult to do… STILL FORGIVE especially if that person is a person you love. Of course no one can hurt you and will become an impact to you if it’s not one of the people you love. But because you love them… you will FORGIVE them. Now, you’re a strong person, why? You are enough to be strong to handle that impact to your life but still forgive. If your mother will say a very harsh thing about you, forgive her. When your brother will punch you at your back, forgive him. If you still love your ex but broke almost all her promises, forgive her. Strong people forgive…

But what if those mistakes were repeated? Will you forgive again and again? Stupid but yes… again and again. But in a different way, FORGET. Forget those mistakes. Forget, so you will not be hurt again. I have my own term there, it’s IGNORE. Ignore those mistakes for they are repetitive. Ignore her broken promises because you are used to it. You are not just strong now but intelligent, for you have learned to forget or ignore his/her mistakes. Intelligent people ignore…

The statement is right; the best way to forgive is to forget. :)

Miyerkules, Setyembre 4, 2013

Bra_ns: the “I” and the “W”

Let us call the academic excellence students but not sporty BRAINS and the sporty students but not academic excellence BRAWNS. 

Of course, each is different from one another but let’s have first what are common of them. Both are good in their said aspects. Both can perform in extracurricular activities or contests. Also, both of them have the right attitude towards what they are good into, academics to Brains and sports to Brawns. To Brains, they study, review, take down notes and anything they need to do to be the best in academics; while to Brawns, they train, run, exercise and anything they need to do to be fit and to be the best in their sports.

Now, let’s have their differences. Obviously, Brains are not that into sports because they don’t have talent for that. Maybe, they can help or think for the strategy for the sports but they need others like Brawns to do it. But look at it, Brains can contribute or still do sports by thinking of strategies, but can Brawns do academics? Maybe in Physical Education they can, but how about Math and Science? Can they still survive in Academics? Maybe that’s the common and, I think, the only difference of each from one another. Can you think of other differences?

Well, honestly I consider myself half-Brain and half-Brawn but something passed my mind. If I get to choose what I am from birth, either Brain or Brawn, which will I choose? Well, honestly I choose being a Brain. It’s because it’s difficult to cope up in lessons in school than to our physical activities. Lessons in school need more effort than our physical activities. So when if I’m a Brain, I will not be making so much effort in my academics and if I have the time, I can manage myself and schedule my consistent exercise to be fit, healthy and ready for sports. But, anyway, it’s still better if you’re half-Brain half-Brawn. ;)