Lunes, Pebrero 3, 2014

God, I Love My Parents

Dear God,

First of all, I want to thank You for all the blessings You have given me especially my parents. They are the ones who took care of me. I want to thank You for giving me a wonderful couple who will always be there for me. For being patient, understanding, supportive, protective, kind, caring, loving and a good model for me, thank You for giving them to me, Lord.
I’m terribly sorry for the sins I have made especially the ones I did to my parents. The wrongdoings that a son must not do to his loving parents, I’m truly terribly sorry. At times when they are scolding me for my own good, I had been rude to them. At times when they are saying the usual things to do, I always am irritated. At times when I should do what they said, I had been a hard-headed. Those were only some of my wrong-doings to my parents and I’m so sorry for that. I should be an obedient and a loving son for them but sometimes, I can’t show it. I’m sorry for all of that.
Lord, I just want to wish the best for them. I wish them to grow old longer. I wish to be with them longer even if I’ll have my family of my own. So if we will have free time in the future, we can talk to each other. Laughing and happily talking to each other about the times that I was just a boy naïve for not following them, for hurting them unintentionally. I wish that time will come that I grew old and I still have them. I wish that they will be much patient, understanding, supportive, protective, kind, caring, and loving for me and my siblings. I also wish, Lord, that You guide me to be a better son for the two of them.
There is something that I cannot comfortably say to them personally but I hope this letter will help. I want to say to them that I’m thankful and grateful to have them as my parents. I’m really sorry if sometimes I’m a bad son for them but really I want to be a better son for them. And lastly, I love them so much, really.

A Loving Son,


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