Lunes, Pebrero 3, 2014

Every ‘You’ is Special.

Well, I bet none in the universe except me who can play basketball this good, can do tae kwon do this good, can play badminton this good, has talent in Math this awesome, can dance this cool, can stay this good-looking, can act this good, can play guitar this good, can read poem this good, has mom and dad this awesome, has a stubborn handsome younger brother, has a beautiful and talented sister, can study in a science high school, has this height, has house with two floors, can dress this cool, has the most beautiful and cute girlfriend and many amazing things.

I bet you can’t have those things at the same time but I can. That’s why I’m special, because you’re not like me. There’s no one like me. That’s also the reason why you are special. And also the one beside you, in front of you, behind you, all the persons you know and even some who you don’t know. Because I don’t have all what all you have got; you don’t have all what all I got. The same thing with you and another person, and to another person, and to another, and to another. We are all different from each other, and that makes us individually special so, feel special.

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