Huwebes, Oktubre 31, 2013

Last Chance...

You might ask yourself, “am I in love?” Well, I can’t answer that question for you; even your closest friends, parents or teachers can’t, but only you can. Just like I said, I can’t answer that question for you so I’ll just share my experience in love and how I realized I’m in love.

It started on our Brigada Eskwela when I was 1st year. I immediately noticed her eyes, those beautiful eyes staring at me. They were like staring at me all the time wherever I go, but of course that’s just my exaggeration but I really can’t remove the picture of those beautiful eyes staring at me. From then on, I have a crush on her. Let’s just call her The Girl.

The good news was she was my classmate that time but the bad news was my infatuation for her lessened when I met a beautiful, talented girl from the other section. Let’s just call her JWEMY. We were MU (in mutual understanding, a lower level than boyfriend/girlfriend) and I had forgotten The Girl. JWEMY and I became closer and closer, had many exchanges of texts, chats and ‘I love you’s. I love you? Yes, I said many ILY’s to her, but did I really mean it? Was I sure that love was what I felt for her? Maybe it was just an exaggerated and immature infatuation because, look, I was just 12 that time. But honestly I cried and got hurt when the time came that she replaced me and didn’t like me anymore. That was the first time I got hurt. But the question was do I really love her?

I decided to move on. While moving on, I started to notice The Girl again, her looks, her beauty, her beautiful eyes; she became more beautiful than before or maybe because I stopped looking at her like that for a long time but still, she’s always beautiful for me. I started to try to win her heart just in texting, facebook chatting and sometimes telling jokes when we’re talking in person.

February 4, 2012, she became my girlfriend. That was a Saturday. I was happy that she’s now my girlfriend that time. But, February 7, 2012, I did something stupid. A friend of JWEMY talked to me and asked me if I still like JWEMY. I didn’t answer. She just told me that JWEMY still likes me that time and if I broke up with The Girl, JWEMY and I will be together. You know what I did? I broke up with The Girl, stupid right? Why did I do that and still chose the girl who mostly talk to me in facebook chats and texts rather than in person? Maybe I was blinded by my exaggerated infatuation for her. I hurt The Girl. :/

Weeks passed and I noticed myself feeling numb for JWEMY. We were still exchanging ILY’s but I was already not feeling the same feeling I have for her before. I decided to stop it and I came back to The Girl. She was so kind that she gave me the second chance. I promised that I will do my best to make it up to her. I didn’t fail. ^_^ Maybe, she’s the one! March 9, 2012, she became my girlfriend again. I was so happy that time again and I promised that she will never regret this.

Everything was perfect until summer vacation. I think that was May that she started to become cold with me. Our texts lessened. I didn’t notice that she was becoming farther and farther from me, then I lost her. At first I can handle it because I was busy that summer doing random things, but still when I think of her, my heart aches and it became more painful seeing her GM’s (group messages) showing her that she’s finer, happier or more okay without me. I lost my enthusiasm in going to school. In our Brigada Eskwela in my 2nd year, I didn’t almost attend in it because of her. I even thought of transferring because I thought I can’t continue seeing her happy without me with the fact that she left me. Was I truly in love with her? The answer is too obvious guys.

Sophomore year started, I tried my best in studying, ignoring her and stopping myself staring at her whenever I see her. But, I couldn’t help it, I love her. She had a new crush that time. Well, he’s good in dancing and has the looks and I want to say that I am thankful that I knew that she had a crush on that guy. Well, the reason is that it was because of him that I tried to be a good dancer. I wanted to be a better dancer than him that’s why I practiced, so I thank him. By the way, I thank her best friend that time because she was the only one that helped me have updates about her including knowing her crush. I would say that I was obsessed of her. There was a time that I gave my whole ipon for her in the voting for Mr and Ms ICT. I also took a video of her talent portion in the said contest.

I got used to it; seeing her, staring at her though she’s staring to her crush. I thought the pain was gone. Then I met this girl. Let’s call her The Angel. She was my classmate that year. She’s beautiful, kind, the shy-type, and quiet. She’s also in the top 10 of our batch. I became close to her, well, because I’m really close to girls not the way that I’m a chick boy. I was always happy whenever I talk to her. She was fun to talk to. Then, we became closer to each other. We always text and facebook chat. Until, we fell in love with each other. But, I think that was a wrong move. I thought that I forgot The Girl, that I didn’t love her anymore. But then, I was wrong.

I became a contestant of the Dansport in our Intramurals and at the same time was chosen to be one of the Sayawit members. Unfortunately, The Girl was in those contests also, so every practice of either contest, we see each other. There, we became close again. Then, the time came that I said that I still feel the same way for her before; she answered back and said that she also feel the same way. It was a happy moment for me, but in the other hand, I left The Angel. I hurt her. I broke her heart. Maybe I truly love her but not the way I love The Girl. I was happy with her but maybe she was just a loving friend for me.

September 2, 2012, The Girl became my girlfriend again. We were happy that time loving and having each other but I told her that the fact that she left me last time, I just gave her another chance. Well, she didn’t fail until the summer vacation again. It was like a déjà vu. We broke up and later on I knew that she had been texting and chatting another guy. I gave up. I let go of her. I didn’t make any mess between them. I made a distance for them. I knew that she’s happier and that the guy was a better man. I let her go because I love her.

I moved on. But one night, I was lonely and started crying. I was holding my cell phone that time and I want to call someone, I want to talk to someone. The first person who came out of my mind is The Angel. I called her and didn’t disappoint me. She comforted me like a sister, like a friend, like a best friend. After that, I call her most of the time. We became best friends and we call each other Bhest. She was always there for me whenever I was lonely. I thought I love her.

We became sweet best friends. I became sweet to her. But, I said I love her. I didn’t know that she loved me like my love for The Girl. But, déjà vu, The Girl came back to me and I left The Angel again, hurt her again, and broke her heart again; I just love The Girl more than her. I don’t know why, but I do. Maybe she’s just really a good, kind and loving best friend for me.

Now, I’m sure that I really love The Girl. She left me but still gave her another chance. But, the fact that I really love her, I’m always ready to let her go, to give her happiness though it doesn’t include me. Loving is not just letting her go and moving on, but moving on and still cares for her, to always watch her to be there for her if no one else is. Why? It’s simple, I love her. But, there’s one thing to remember. Though I will always be here for her, it’s her last chance now to be with me. I don’t want to be hurt again.

So, you might ask me. Have I been in love? What’s the feeling to be in love? What’s my definition of love? Well, I think I have already answered it and I hope you weren’t bored in reading my experience. ^_^

Linggo, Oktubre 6, 2013

My Second Moms and Dads ^_^

Have you ever thought that our teachers are our second parents? Why? Is it because they scold you or terrorized you? I’m just kidding. Well, some say that school is our second home, so it means that our teachers are our second parents. That’s kind of hard don’t you think? I’m just kidding. But if you think of it, our teachers are really like our parents. They teach us and sometimes scold us. They are also patient with us whenever we students are noisy, OA, malikot, maharot, makulit etc. they are really like parents to us.

I just want to say two things I can’t say personally to some teachers who have been like parents for me. First, I want to say that I’m sorry for being sometimes pasaway, makulit, tamad, and sometimes debating about a topic about the lesson that sometimes may offend you because of how I speak. I’m sorry but I will try to change, to lessen my kakulitan, katamaran, and to also try to defend a topic gently without offending you.

Second, I want to say thank you for your efforts. Thank you for being patient with us whenever we’re noisy or tamad. Thank you for being strong to teach us and still making efforts for us to understand our lessons. Thank you for still attending our classes even though your students make you tiring.

That’s all to my teachers who have been like parents for me. I hope some of you lessen their kasungitan, just kidding. For being parents for me and just like I said from my first post in this blog that my parents are my heroes; you are also my heroes. Take care and God bless teachers~! ^_^

The Truth Behind History

A long time ago in one of the lost island of Bermuda, there lived a powerful magician named, Prospero who saw horrible scenes that will happen in the future. He decided to change whatever may happen. He planned a cruise for the noble citizens of Italy and Scotland. All of the invited guests entered the cruise ship. But Macbeth was the last one to enter. The three witches appeared at the entrance of the ship. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair." They told him that he would be the next king of the two kingdoms, Italy and Scotland if he killed Hamlet. Macbeth was shocked of the witches' revelation. He tried to ignore the saying of the witches. But greed devoured him and this trigger him to kill Hamlet. 

The captain of the ship invited all the guests to join him for the special dinner. But Hamlet was not able to come just he was too tired and he wanted to rest. For Macbeth, everything went according to his plan. He went to Hamlet's room and stabbed him on his chest. No one saw what happened inside the room. The people just found out about the ruler's death after several days. Juliet saw the tragedy that happened to her father.

The sky became dark as Macbeth's greed and heavy rain started to pour. The sea swayed the ship to and fro. The captain started to shout, "The captain goes down with the ship." Everyone panicked. The ship sank and all the passengers swam to the shoreline of the closest island, Bermuda. The citizens were shocked with what happened to the shipwreck. A lot of pressure was on Juliet's head so she confronted the people. "Why for all the people my father became the victim of the hideous crime a soulless man could only commit?" Romeo tried to comfort Juliet. "Fair maiden such anger does not value such wondrous beauty."

Meanwhile, Antipholus of Ephesus was making love with his wife Adriana when Caliban saw them and had an idea. He told Claudio that Hero was the one making love with Antipholus of Ephesus. Claudio burst with anger. Claudio confronted Hero. But Hero has no idea of what he was talking about. Hero ran away from hero and she cried. Meanwhile, while everyone was sleeping Puck dropped the potion to Antipholus of Ephesus and Antipholus of Syracuse as what Caliban told him to do. When they woke up, Antipholus of Ephesus saw Hermia  and fell in love with her, same with Antipholus of Syracuse to Helena.

They chased each other to find who is who and which is which. Adriana knew from Caliban that her husband, Antipholus of Epehesus, fell in love with Hermia. At the same time, Caliban told Juliet the truth about his father's death. Juliet went to Romeo and confronted him. They said nasty things about each other’s father that made them forgot about the love they had for each other. They killed each other for their fathers' honor. They both died with hatred inside their hearts. 

After the tragic death of the young lovers, Claudio decided to apologize to Hero about the things he said to her. Claudio went up to the coconut tree and asked for forgiveness from Hero, he said that he would never go down until Hero forgives him.

The trouble between Antipholus of Ephesus, Antipholus of Syracuse, Adriana, Hermia, Helena, Demetrius and Lysander was never fixed. So Puck decided to clean it on his own, he told the people to think of everything, every painful memories, every ecstatic experience, as if it was a dream.